Thursday, May 27, 2010

5/26/10 - Political Music Project


Click HERE to access the Master List of approved songs.

Click HERE to access a copy of the assignment guide.


Need to know more?  Having trouble picking a song?  Check out these links....

Click HERE for a good overview of what Political Music is.  This article contains many links and song suggestions.  If you are having trouble wrapping your head around this project, read this article.

Political Studies Association list of "Greatest Political Songs of All Time" (be warned, this organization is British, so some of the issues and artists might not be as familiar to an American audience).
PopMatters list of the 65 Greatest Protest Songs.

In 2009, the Guardian (a British newspaper) published this list of political/protest songs.  This is a BIG list - lots to choose from here.

Wikipedia's List of Great Protest Songs. list of 10 Best Social/Political R&B Songs. list of Best Classic Anti-War Songs.

RethinkingSchools List of Political Music organized by issues.

Micheal McCann's list of Soldier Music - music written from the soldier's point of view.  Check out his resources page for links to other songs about soldiers and war from the Civil War to the present.

Click HERE for a very complete list of political music from the Vietnam War era from all points of view.

If you like country music, check out this article about country music with political themes.

If you like rap and hip-hop, check out this article - and this one too.

If you like metal, check out this Top 10 list.

Friday, May 7, 2010

5/7/10 - Current Events Day


1.  Please read all of the six posts below dated 5/7/10.
2.  Post a comment to ANY 3 of the six posts.
3.  You may also use time today to complete any uncompleted missions from the redistricting game.

Have a great weekend!

5/7/10 - Technology

Ten Simple Google Search Tips

Almost everyonoe uses google for at least some of our internet searches.  However, many people are not aware of some simple ways to make using the popular search engine easier and more productive. 

Read this article and answer one or more of the following questions in the comment section:

How many of these simple tips do you already knwo about?  How many do you use?

Did you learn anything from this article that will help make your internet searches easier?

5/7/10 - National News

Gulf Oil Spill Update

This article answers many of the questions being asked about the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico.

This article describes BPs plan to stop the massive oil leak that is adding 5,000 gallons of oil a day to the Gulf.

This article describes the incredible ordeal of the crew of the oil rig immediately after the explosion that caused the rig to collapse and sink.

Answer one or more of the following questions in the comment section:

What are your thoughts on this disaster?

How will it impact the Gulf of Mexico?  The wildlife?  The people who live on the Gulf Coast? The US economy?

Does it change your views of offshore drilling or oil consuption?  Explain.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

5/7/10 - National News

A Break in the Bomb Case

Go to this related article and answer the following 6 questions in the comment post:
1.  WHO has been arrested for driving a car bomb into Times Square?
2.  WHEN was the car bomb discovered?
3.  WHERE was the suspect arrested?
4.  WHAT was found in the S.U.V.?
5.  HOW did police trace the S.U.V. to the suspect they arrested? (For further detail on this question, see this article.)

6.  WHY has control of the investigation now shifted to the international terrorism branch of the Joint Terrorism Task Force?

5/7/10 - National News

Times Square Bomb Scare (cont.)
The failed car bombing in Times Square raised security alerts in the area and reminded many people in New York and elsewhere to be vigilant about suspicious activity. 

The New York Times reported on heightened anxiety near Times Square in the wake of a manhole fire two days after – and mere blocks from the site of – an attempted car bombing.

Do you ever worry about terrorist attacks? Or do you generally feel safe? 

5/7/10 - Science

Don't Talk to the Aliens!

World famous astrophysicist Stephen Hawking said recently that he believes that alien life very likely exists – but that any contact with aliens would be “risky” because they would probably consider Earth as a conquest.

Read this article about Hawking's opinions about alien life forms and respond to the questions below in the comment section:

Do you think intelligent life exists on other planets? Do you welcome or fear an alien invasion?

5/7/10 - Redistricting Game

So what is Gerrymandering anyway?

The Redistricting Game is designed to educate, engage, and empower citizens around the issue of political redistricting. By playing the game, you will learn about redistricting fundamentals, gerrymandering, the Voting Rights Act, and potential reforms.

The game was developed by the University of Southern California (USC) Game Innovation Lab, part of the USC School of Cinematic Arts’ Interactive Media Division.

Your assignment is to complete mission 1,2,3 & 5.

In the comment section please share your opinion on the educational value of this game.  

Did it help you to better understand gerrymandering and redistricting?  Do you think I should continue to use it in Civics next year?  Why or why not?

Friday, April 23, 2010

4/23/10 - Current Events Day Instructions


This week everyone is required to answer the Week in Review post (the next post).  

In addition to this post, you must choose 3 of the 4 other posts dated 4/23/10 and make comments.

The week in review post will be worth 10 points (one point for each question) and the other posts will be worth 2 points each.

Have a great weekend!

4/23/10 - Week in Review Questions

Search the internet for answers to the following questions about recent events in the news.  Post your answers in correct numbered order in the comments section:

1.  In what US state did a mine disaster occur on April 5th in which 29 miners were killed?

2.  What was the name of the volcano that erupted recently, sending plumes of ash into the air that disrupted flights in and out of Europe for several days?

3.  The United States recently negotiated a treaty with which country to limit the number of nuclear weapons in the world?  Bonus: How many nuclear weapons will each country have after the treaty goes into effect?

4.  The President and many top leaders of which country were killed in a plane crash?

5.  Which Supreme Court justice recently announced his intention to retire before the beginning of the court's next term?

6. What country was hit with a magnitude 6.9 earthquake on April 14, killing at least 2,000 people?

7.  In what year was Earth Day founded?

8.  For how many games did the NFL suspend Steelers quarterback Ben Roethlisberger?

9.  On April 20th the Supreme Court struck down an 11 year old federal law which banned the sale or trading of what type of pictures and videos?

10.  This week Congress is debating a set of laws designed to set tough new regulations for which US industry?

4/23/10 - The New Benjamin

On Wednesday the Treasury Department unveiled a newly designed $100 bill.   Check out this interactive site about the new bill and answer these questions in the comments:

1.  What are the new features of the redesigned $100 bill?

2.  Do you like it?  Why or why not?

Thursday, April 22, 2010

4/23/10 - Sports

OK football fans, here's your opportunity to analyze the first round of the 2010 NFL draft.

Which team made the best pick in the first round?  The worst?

How do you like your team's first round pick?

4/23/10 - Earth Day 2010

How much of an impact does you and your household have on the environment.  Take a few minutes to calculate your carbon footprint.

In the comments section, share your score.  Are you above or below the US average.  How does your score compare to the global average?

4/23/10 - The Week in Pictures

This NASA photo shows the first images from the Solar Dynamics Observatory, a NASA spacecraft on a five-year mission to study the sun.  

This and other amazing images can be seen in this Week in Pictures feature.  Look at the images and vote for your favorite at the end of the slideshow.

In the comments discuss your favorite photo(s) of the week.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

4/14/10 - What can Public Opinion Polls Teach Us?

Using Polls to Learn About America


Use data found in public opinion polls to teach the class about a particular issue or topic and how Americans view the issue/topic that you chose.


1.  Use the links below to view lists of public opinion poll topics.  After browsing all the topics, make a list of the top 3-5 that you would like to learn about.  You will need to have several backup choices because no more than two individuals or groups in the class will be allowed to work on the same topic.

Use these four indexes to help choose your topic(s):

Once you've decided on a topic, you can also check out these other polling websites for data:

CBS News Polls
Marist Polls

You may also use search engines to help find data, but the data you use MUST be from a poll that follows the 5 step scientific polling process that we studied in class (NO internet straw polls!).  If you doubt the reliability of a poll, DON'T USE IT.

2.  Use the data you find to create either a poster or a power point presentation that will teach the class about your topic and about the public's opinion(s) on this issue.

3.  Your project should use data from as many different polls as possible, preferably from different polling organizations.

4  When choosing a topic, make sure that there is more than one poll available on that topic.  If the issue or topic that you choose is narrow, please chose another related topic to make your presentation complete.

5.  Based on the data that you found from the various polls, you must draw some kind of a conclusion(s) about the public's opinion(s) on the issue of your choice

6.  Your presentation should be visually appealing and free of grammar / spelling errors.

7.  I would like at least some of the projects to be presented to the class.  Individuals or groups who are chosen to present will receive extra credit.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

4/1/10 - April Fools Day!

Yes, today is April Fools Day!

The Museum of Hoaxes has a cool list of the top 100 April Fool's Day hoaxes of all time, as judged by notoriety, creativity and number of people duped.  Check it out here.

(Pictured above is an ad for the 1996 Taco Bell hoax in which they claimed to have purchased the Liberty Bell and renamed it the Taco Liberty Bell).

Browse through the list and comment on your favorite April Fool's Day hoax.

4/1/10 - National News

Don't Forget!

Today is the deadline to do something very important...send in your US Census Form.

What is the census?  First, read this to find out.  

Does the 2010 Census asks lots of intrusive, personal questions? Is it true that the Census Bureau has no constitutional authority to ask us these things?  Lots of claims have been flying around the internet about the Census.  Check out this video below from for the real scoop:

After watching the video, answer the following questions in the comment section:

1.  What is the main purpose of the census?
2.  Why should every American household fill out a census form?

4/1/10 - National News

Making Sense of the Health Care Law

Confused by the new health care law?

Read three or more of the articles that can be found by following the links below. All of these links summarize the changes that will take place as a result of the new law:

New York Times special Health Care section links to numerous articles about how the law will impact the country.

The Washington Post has an online tool that estimates what the new law could mean for your health coverage and taxes based on your income, family size and current insurance status.

The Washington Post also has a chart that gives an overview of how the changes will impact different groups of Americans

The Kaiser Health News, a nonprofit news organization committed to in-depth coverage of health care policy and politics, has a Consumers Guide to Health Care that answers many questions about the new law. 

When you are done reading, answer the following questions in the comments:

1.  Three things I've learned about the new health care law are...

2.  One question I still have about this law is...

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

4/1/10 - National News / Teen Issues

9 Teenagers Are Charged After Classmate’s Suicide

Last week in Massachusetts, nine high school students between the ages of 16 and 18 were charged with various felony crimes in the suicide death of 15 year old Phoebe Prince (pictured above).

Prosecutors said that the students charged were responsible for taunting and physical threats that led the freshman to hang herself from a stairwell at her home in January.

Read this story about the charges brought against the students who were bullying Phoebe Prince. This story links to a video on which you can see photos of the students charged in the case.  Also, read this story, which is about bullying what can be learned from Phoebe Prince's suicide.

After reading the stories linked in this post, respond to one or more the following question(s):

1. Do you think the students involved in bullying Phoebe Prince should be prosecuted for their actions?

2. Why do you think students bully others?

3. How can bullying be lessened or stopped? What, if anything, can teachers do?

4. Have you ever been bullied? Have you ever bullied other kids?

5. What is the climate like at our school – are students harassed and taunted often? What can you do when you see another student being bullied?

Important Note: Please post as usual, using your full name - but if you don't want me to post your comments for others to see let me know in the post and I will keep your comments private.

Friday, March 12, 2010

3/12/10 - National News

Workers at Ground Zero 
Sue the City of New York

Read this article and answer these three questions in the comment section:

1.  Why are the workers suing the city of New York?

2.  How much is the settlement worth?

3.  What type of illnesses were most often reported by Ground Zero workers?

3/12/10 - National News

Why are so many farmers mad?

Read this story and post your answer in the comment section. 

3/12/10 - Current Events Quiz / News Discussion

What's your News IQ?

To test your knowledge of prominent people and major events in the news,  take this short 12 question quiz. Then see how you did in comparison with 1,003 randomly sampled adults asked the same questions in a recent national survey conducted by the Pew Research Center.

Included in the current version of the quiz are several questions relating to the state of the economy as well as other prominent happenings and people in the news. For an analysis of the findings from the poll on the public's News IQ, read the full summary of findings. (No peeking! If you are going to take the quiz, do it first before reading the analysis.)

You'll also be able to compare your News IQ with the average scores of men and women; with college graduates as well as those who didn't attend college; with people who are your age as well as with younger and older Americans. 

Are you more news-savvy than the average American? 

In the comment section discuss one or more of the following issues:

1. What role the news should play in the lives of average Americans?
2. Why should we pay attention to what's going on in our community, state, nation and world?
3. What can we do to improve awareness of current events, especially among young people?
4. What can I do as a teacher to help students understand the news and be more interested in our world?

Friday, February 19, 2010

2/19/10 - Digital_Nation Question 5

Much of the video focused on education. 

On one side there was the argument that technology and the distractions that it causes are having a negative effect on young people...poorer reading and writing skills and shorter attention spans. 

On the other hand there was evidence that introducing technology into some schools has resulted in improved student attitudes, higher standardized test scores, and greater student achievement.

How do you think technology should be used in education?  What do you think school will be like in 5 or 10 years in terms of use of digital technology?

2/19/10 - Digital_Nation Question 4


In recent years digital media such as multi-player online games and social media networks have exploded in popularity.  

Supporters argue that these technologies allow people to become more social and expand their network of friends and acquaintances. Opponents argue that they often lead to abuse, internet addiction, and/or harassment and cyber-bullying. 

In today’s world of technological immersion, in what ways is technology helping us to develop more meaningful personal relationships?  In what way is it hurting our "real-world" relationships with others?

2/19/10 - Digital_Nation Question 3

From training soldiers to dealing with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder to conducting combat operations remotely from half way around the world, technology is changing the way we wage war.

How has technology helped are military?  What new challenges is it creating?

2/19/10 - Digital_Nation Question 2

The video discussed many ways in which the internet has changed personal relationships.  

There was Bubbe, the 83 year old Jewish Grandma with the online cooking show, and the online gaming friendships and romances that have been created by World of Warcraft.  The video also discussed how the internet and use of digital media has changed even the family structure in many homes. 

How is technology changing friendship, parenting and love?

2/19/10 - Digital_Nation Question 1

According to the latest Kaiser Family Foundation data, 8 to18 year-olds are spending more than 50 hours a week with digital media. That's more than a full work week.

Is this too much?  Are kids today actually hurting themselves by using this much digital media?  Why or why not?

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

2/16/10 - The 2005 Political Typology Test Assignment

The Political Typology is a longstanding effort by the Pew Research Center for the People and the Press to sort voters into groups based on their values, political beliefs and party affiliation.

The current report is based on a two-part survey of 2,000 Americans interviewed in December 2004, most of whom were recontacted to follow up on current political issues in March 2005. This is the fourth Political Typology study, following previous studies in 1987, 1994 and 1999.

Unfortunately, this 2005 version is the most up to date survey currently available.  It is due for a 2010 update, but as of now the new survey is not available on the web so we will take the 2005 version.

Click on this link to get to the site.  Then click on the "Where do you fit?" link to take the quiz.

Then answer the questions on the last page of the Political Ideology packet.  You will turn that in for a grade.

In the comments section, tell what political label the quiz assigned to you and comment on the quiz itself.

Friday, January 29, 2010

Political Parties Internet Activity

OK, so what do the various political parties in the United States actually BELIEVE?

Let's find out where they stand on at least one issue of your choice.

Choose an issue from the following list.  Be sure to pick one that you feel is an interesting and/or important:

Economy and Taxes
Election Reform
Energy Independence
Environmental Issues
Families and Children
Foreign Policy
Government Reform
Gun Control
Health Care
Homeland Security
Iraq War
Afghanistan War
Social Security
Welfare and Poverty

Next, using the links below research each party's position on the issue of your choice: 

Major Parties*:

Demcratic Party:  main site /  issues guide / party platform

Republican Party: main site / issues guide / party platform

3rd Parties**:

Libertarian Party: main site / issues guide / platform

Green Party: main site /  platform

Use the information that you find to fill out the chart and answer the questions on the paper given to you in class (a blank copy of the chart can be found here).

* As we discussed in class, the two major parties are really more geared toward winning elections than toward a specific set of beliefs, so on SOME issues (especially the really controversial ones) it may be difficult to figure out exactly where the major parties stand.  But please, give it a try.  Finding out that a party is vague on an issue often tells you as much about that party's belief as a very specific statement.  Third parties are usually more clear on their beliefs and positions because they are trying to appeal to a narrower group of people.

** There are certainly lots of other 3rd parties that could have been included on this list, but the Greens and the Libertarians are currently the two biggest 3rd parties, so let's keep it simple and stick to those two.

Monday, January 25, 2010

1/22/10 - Local

Area Soldier Killed in Iraq

This week an area soldier from Altoona who was killed in the line of duty was laid to rest.  Read the article and/or watch this video and comment on what was done to honor this local hero.

Friday, January 22, 2010

1/22/10 - Law / Supreme Court

Major Supreme Court Ruling Changes U.S. Elections

A major Supreme Court decision will change the way campaigns for Congress and the President are run. 

Supporters of the decision have called it a victory for free speech.  Opponents say that it will allow corporations and unions to drown out the voices of average Americans. 

Read the summary article and the two opposing editorials linked in this post.  Then share your opinion on this sure to be controversial ruling.  Do you think this a good or poor decision by the Supreme Court?  Why?

1/22/10 - National

In the Army, Part 2

This is Part Two of the CNN series about Will McClain, a recent high school graduate from a small town in California, as he enlists in the U.S. Army.  This episode focuses on his first 24 hours in the Army.

1/22/10 - Sports

McGwire Admits to Steroid Use

This week Mark McGwire was the latest former major league star to admit to using steroids during his time in the Majors.

Read this article, in which former major leaguer Doug Glanville tells what it was like to play against Mark McGwire, and what he thinks about his admission of steroid use.

Does this admission change your opinion of McGwire?  Have all the admissions of steroid use in baseball changed your opinion of the sport?  Does McGwire (or any other admitted steroid user) deserve a place in the baseball Hall of Fame or should they be banned?  Share your opinion in the comment section.

1/22/10 - International News

Haiti Relief Effort

Aid in response the earthquake in Haiti has begun pouring in from around the world.  Unfortunately, as we have seen in other disasters such Hurricane Katrina, the aid cannot arrive fast enough.

Read this article.  What types of relief supplies are on the ground but not getting to the people of Haiti?  Why the delay?

1/22/10 - Technology

The Digital Life...

Researchers once thought that the use of electronic devices among children and teenagers could not go up. They were wrong:

The average young American now spends practically every waking minute — except for the time in school — using a smart phone, computer, television or other electronic device, according to a new study from the Kaiser Family Foundation...

While most of the young people in the study got good grades, 47 percent of the heaviest media users — those who consumed at least 16 hours a day — had mostly C’s or lower, compared with 23 percent of those who typically consumed media three hours a day or less. The heaviest media users were also more likely than the lightest users to report that they were bored or sad, or that they got into trouble, did not get along well with their parents and were not happy at school.

Read the rest of the article and then comment on your own media usage.  Are you above or below the average?  Do you think this trend of increased use of electronic devices is good or bad?  What are the positive and negative aspects of this trend in our society?

1/22/10 - Politics

Massachusetts Political Upset

There was a big political upset in a special Senate election in Massachusetts this week. Watch the above video and read this article about the election.

In the comment section, explain why this election is important outside of Massachusetts. What impact do you think this election will have on the health care debate, and/or other issues facing Congress?