Friday, April 23, 2010

4/23/10 - Week in Review Questions

Search the internet for answers to the following questions about recent events in the news.  Post your answers in correct numbered order in the comments section:

1.  In what US state did a mine disaster occur on April 5th in which 29 miners were killed?

2.  What was the name of the volcano that erupted recently, sending plumes of ash into the air that disrupted flights in and out of Europe for several days?

3.  The United States recently negotiated a treaty with which country to limit the number of nuclear weapons in the world?  Bonus: How many nuclear weapons will each country have after the treaty goes into effect?

4.  The President and many top leaders of which country were killed in a plane crash?

5.  Which Supreme Court justice recently announced his intention to retire before the beginning of the court's next term?

6. What country was hit with a magnitude 6.9 earthquake on April 14, killing at least 2,000 people?

7.  In what year was Earth Day founded?

8.  For how many games did the NFL suspend Steelers quarterback Ben Roethlisberger?

9.  On April 20th the Supreme Court struck down an 11 year old federal law which banned the sale or trading of what type of pictures and videos?

10.  This week Congress is debating a set of laws designed to set tough new regulations for which US industry?


  1. 1. West Virginia
    2. Its in Iceland, Eyjafjallajokull
    3. Russia, cut down on half of them.
    4. Poland
    5. An old one, John Paul Stevens
    6. China
    7. 1970
    8. 6 games
    9. Animal Cruelty
    10. Guns

  2. 1. west virginia
    3. 1,500
    4. poland
    5. john pauls stevens
    6. china's qinghai
    7. 1970
    8. 6 games
    9. dog fighting
    10. Auto industry

  3. 1. West Virginia
    2. Eyjafgallajokull Volcano
    3. Russia? & 1550
    4. Poland
    5. Justice Stevens
    6. China's Qinghai
    7. 1970
    8. 6 games
    9. showing dogfights and other acts of animal cruelty
    10. fanancial

  4. 1.west virginia
    5.john paul stevens
    8.6 games
    9.animal cruelty videos

  5. 1. West Virginia
    2. Eyjafjallajokull
    3. Iran
    4. Poland
    5. John Paul Stevens
    6. China
    7. April 22 1970
    8. 6
    9. Animal cruelty
    10. Wall street

  6. 1. West Virginia
    2. Eyjafjallajokull
    3. Iran
    4. Poland
    5. John Paul Stevens
    6. Southern Qinghai, China
    7. 1970
    8. 4-6 games
    9. Animal cruelty
    10. Wall Street

  7. 1. West Virgina
    2. Eyjafjallajokull
    3. 5200 nuclear warheads
    4. Rusha
    5. Stevens
    6. China’s Qinghai
    7. 1970
    8. 6 games
    9. Dog fights and animal abuse
    10. financial

  8. 1. West Virgina
    2. Eyjafjallajokull
    3. Iran
    4. Russia
    5. John Paul Stevens
    6. Qinghai
    7. April 22,1970
    8. 6 games.
    9. dog fights and animal abuse
    10. financial

  9. 1. West Virginia
    2. Ice-land
    3. Rusia/1500nuclear weapons
    4. Poland
    5. David Souter
    6. queueChina
    7. April 22, 1970
    8. 6 games
    9. Animal cruelty
    10. Goldman Sachs

  10. 1. West Virgina
    2. Eyjafjallajokull
    3. Russia and 1,500 nuclear wepons
    4. Poland
    5. John Paul Stevens
    6. China's western Qinghai province
    7. 1970
    8. 6 games
    9. Dogfights
    10. Curb industry

  11. 1.west virgina
    5.Justice Stevens
    7.April 22, 1970
    8.6 games fighting videos
    10.wall street

  12. Richard CrabtreeFri Apr 23, 01:59:00 PM

    1.West Virgina
    2.Eyjafjallajokull volcano
    3. Russia. USA will have 1,500 & Ruissa will have
    5.John Paul Stevens
    8.6 games
    10.Wall St.


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