Friday, February 19, 2010

2/19/10 - Digital_Nation Question 3

From training soldiers to dealing with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder to conducting combat operations remotely from half way around the world, technology is changing the way we wage war.

How has technology helped are military?  What new challenges is it creating?


  1. technology has helped the military in so many ways such as people can sit in a room away from battle and will be operating a drone that can tell the soliders on the ground where enemies are or they could just launch a missle and destroy a secret meeting of terrorists. its creating challenges like they will just launch a missle at a building not knowing if its full of civilians or full of terrorists.

  2. I think from the movie where they were using Call of Duty and different war games to get younger kids to agree to joining the war is wrong. A video game is very different then real life. In a video game your laughing and playing around. your not actually thinking oh i just killed that guy virtually.

    But in war you dony get to just restart the game, if you die then your gone for good, you cant just respawn. Also in war theres emotions at falt. When your playing a game your not thinking oh my goodness i just killed him! He's dead and never coming back ! No in war you really just killed him and i bet emotions would flood your head every time you kill a person.

  3. Well i feel that technology has given our military a huge advantage over the rest of the world. We can get visual of enemy barracks and ambushes without putting any of our men in danger. One of the great challenges it brings us is keeping our technology running and advancing to stay a few steps ahead of everyone.

  4. Technology has helped them get ready for war. It get their minds to think about everything, like they are really at war and not just doing video games to get them ready.

    Its challenging them to think the video games are either making them relive the things they have already went through, or you could think the games are just making a joke and a big game about it.

  5. Its helped the military with loss of soliders, and with their post tramatic stress. Eventually im pretty sure we wont be sending people over, and just have everyone at home as like a day job of sorts.
    As for new challenges.... Seriously! You go and murder a few people, then you gotta go home to your family. Have to make the switch, just like that. Its crazy!

  6. I'm not sure if I will agree that technology is helping the military. But my P.O.V. it's good and bad. The bad side, people may become so invovled in these games that they have a hard time deciphering from reality and fiction. I know people say they can understand whats real and whats not, but there is a point where people can actually snap. But I do believe it is a good military stragtegy.. In a messed up way. If someone becomes so involved in war games, when they are on the actual battlefield they may think it's just a game. That too can be good and bad. Them thinking it's just a game may impact the person to thinking they still have "extra lives" and will not be as careful. On the other aspect, people won't be emotionally attached to what they are doing. To be in the army the last thing you should have is a heart. Being afraid to kill people and what not. Mostly I would say the idea of starting kids with military games at a young age is not the greatest idea but it has its plus sides.

  7. I think that is a great idea it is like a real life simulates. You can't fake a army battle but, with the video game technology.

  8. tecnologyhas help the military in many diffrent ways. with thing from gps systems given to the foot soldiers all the way to stilite operated missiles that can be opperated all the way on the otherside oth the earth. but without this technology, warfare would be alot more would see things in news pappes like 30000 DEAD IN THE DESERTS TODAY,CAN WE AFFORD SUCH MASS OF DEATHS? and with tecnology today u would never have to see something liek that cuz we have the technology and the weponry to avoid things like that. also it is makeing it easier for the military to train people without putting te in any danger at all.

  9. In the military, technology has really helped because now soldiers can kind of get a feel for what real-life war will be like. I think it better prepares them for what they are in for. Even though killing someone virtually is not one bit the same as seriously taking one’s life, it can still help you understand that you most likely will be killing people and it may help prevent soldiers from killing innocent citizens.

  10. I agree with what Holli Keely says. I also believe the video game compared to real life war has very little similarities. Let the video games be for fun, not actuality. I also agree wih her when she said that the younger children should not be playing the games yet.

  11. i think the way the military is using technology is saving the lives of many soldiers. i think it is saving so many lives because there are less people fighting out in the streets and more using remote controlled devices to find and kill terrorists.

  12. In response to Kayla McClellan’s post:
    I’m sorry Kayla, but I’m going to have to disagree as to what you said about how you think the military is using these war stimulants as a way to get teens into joining the army. I believe the military is just showing the kids the possibilities as to what could happen as a result of being in war. Obviously, us teens are old enough to understand the difference of what is just Call of Duty and what is actual real-life. I am a Call of Duty gamer myself and I definitely understand that I’m only killing the other team virtually, I’m not really taking someone’s life like I would if I were to actually be in the army. I just truly feel that the military is using all this technology for the good, not the bad. It’s actually really improving the army, not taking it down or hurting it.

  13. Richard CrabtreeWed Feb 24, 01:50:00 PM

    The technolgy has helped our military a lot. I think thats the reason why our military is better then anyone elses in the world. It is helping the soldiers go through simulations to find out how hard it is going to be in real war, and it is showing how to go in a room and make sure they dont shoot civialans. It is making some of the challengs eaiser because they dont have to go into combat.


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