Friday, March 12, 2010

3/12/10 - National News

Workers at Ground Zero 
Sue the City of New York

Read this article and answer these three questions in the comment section:

1.  Why are the workers suing the city of New York?

2.  How much is the settlement worth?

3.  What type of illnesses were most often reported by Ground Zero workers?


  1. Im neutral about the case because if the workers were seriously injured they deserve some money but people today also tend to push things farther than they need to go when it comes to money.

  2. 1. They are suing the city of New York for when they were cleaning up it damaged their health.

    2.A settlement of up to $657.5 million.

    3.Respiratory infections, asthma, and some cancer like illnesses.

  3. 1. 'Cause they are Ticked and dont wanna work in those conditions any more.

    2. $657.5 million

    3. Lung Issues and Asthma~!

    How're these for a short answer?

  4. The workers are suing the city because of injuries and illnesses they recieved after working at the ground zero site. The settlement was worth $657.5 million. The most commonly reported illness was asthma.

  5. They sued the city because of damge to thier health. The settlement is worth 657.5 million dollars.Asthma and other respiratory illnesses were some of the health problems that workers are suing over.

  6. They sued the city over damaging their health.

    Settlement is worth $657.5 million.

    Problems with their lungs

  7. 1.) They are suing due to damage of their health.
    2.) The settlement is worth $657.5 million.
    3.) Most of the illnesses issues are asthma and other repertory illnesses.

  8. The workers of New York have every right to sue for that kind of money. the settlement is worth 657.5 million dollars.the workers are sueing the city because of the many health problems that they are getting from the work site. most of that workers are developing asmatha and other respitory illnesses.

  9. The workers are suing the city of New York because of the damage to their health. If 100% of the 10,000 plaintiffs agree to the terms then the total settelment would be $657.5 million. But if only the required 95% of the plaintiffs agree to the terms then the total settlement would shrink down to $575 million. The plaintiffs mostly complained that their most common illness was asthma and other respiratory illnesses.

  10. Richard CrabtreeMon Mar 22, 07:39:00 PM

    1.They were suing because of the illnesses, and the exposure to contaminats.
    2. The settlement provides for a 23.4 million insurence policy.
    3.The most common type of illness was cancer.


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