Thursday, May 27, 2010

5/26/10 - Political Music Project


Click HERE to access the Master List of approved songs.

Click HERE to access a copy of the assignment guide.


Need to know more?  Having trouble picking a song?  Check out these links....

Click HERE for a good overview of what Political Music is.  This article contains many links and song suggestions.  If you are having trouble wrapping your head around this project, read this article.

Political Studies Association list of "Greatest Political Songs of All Time" (be warned, this organization is British, so some of the issues and artists might not be as familiar to an American audience).
PopMatters list of the 65 Greatest Protest Songs.

In 2009, the Guardian (a British newspaper) published this list of political/protest songs.  This is a BIG list - lots to choose from here.

Wikipedia's List of Great Protest Songs. list of 10 Best Social/Political R&B Songs. list of Best Classic Anti-War Songs.

RethinkingSchools List of Political Music organized by issues.

Micheal McCann's list of Soldier Music - music written from the soldier's point of view.  Check out his resources page for links to other songs about soldiers and war from the Civil War to the present.

Click HERE for a very complete list of political music from the Vietnam War era from all points of view.

If you like country music, check out this article about country music with political themes.

If you like rap and hip-hop, check out this article - and this one too.

If you like metal, check out this Top 10 list.

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