Friday, February 19, 2010

2/19/10 - Digital_Nation Question 1

According to the latest Kaiser Family Foundation data, 8 to18 year-olds are spending more than 50 hours a week with digital media. That's more than a full work week.

Is this too much?  Are kids today actually hurting themselves by using this much digital media?  Why or why not?


  1. Kids dont use their Phone 50 hours a week. We actually use them much less. possibly 35 hours. and cellphones are what keep kids today updated with the rest of the world

  2. In some ways I do believe that kids do spend to much time depending on technology. 50 hours a week is a lot, but at the same time I honestly don't believe that most kids are that addicted to technology. You do have all them kids who are majorly addicted to games and play hours on hours. The kids that have their cell phones glued to their hands all the time but i don't think it's as bad as what people say it is.

    I do think that some kids do hurt themselves with thin=s though because when they do say play video games for hours they don't pay attention to their health. They don't eat much and shower little. But i do feel that kids arn't that addicted to technology.

  3. By kids using technology that much is by no means hurting us at all. There are many times when kids are using technology for school work or for jobs, that's not hurting anyone. It is true that some kids use it way too much by not using it productivly. I guess it just sort of depends who you are and how you spend time on the technology.

  4. Well i believe that physically yes they are hurting themselves. I think that kids should spend a little less time with electronics and more time in backyards and playgrounds on bikes and tennis courts. The one positive of the kids today spending so much time with technology is the majority of the careers in the united states revolve around and use technology; so i guess they preparing themselves.

  5. I believe That technology with cell phones is making us kids "smarter". I see one year olds doing things on the computer i never learned how to do till i was like 12. maybe younger... but the point is that technology is working peoples mind like they haven't needed to be used before. [horrible gramar but you get my point, right?] if anything more use on cell phones computers ect.. is helping society today.

  6. In my opinion kids have control of themselves it’s their choice of what that want to do. It not the technology fault that kids chooses technology other then school work. That’s the choice that they are making, so therefore no it’s not too much for us kids.

  7. i agree with kevin we do not spend up to 50 hours a day at all plus what would life be without cellphones

  8. Response to Caleb Snyder:
    I believe what you are saying is true, people do need more excersice and to expose themselves to physical activity. The scare of over weight people and obesity are focused more around lack of excercise do to the time they spend on the computer or video games or texting. physically, yes we are being harmed, but mentally no

  9. In response to Kevin Seiner's blog I agree with whatt he had to say. Kids now of days are using technology to stay updated with the rest of the world. On facebook or other social networking websites news and alerts are posted. A lot of the websites or search engines like google even post weather updates for your area, so i deffinetly agree with Kevin's post.

  10. In respones to Kevin Seiner, I have to disagree with him. Kids that do have phones clearly never put them done because I don't go a day in school without seeing a kid whip out their phone. But i have to agree with him that we do use our cell phones to keep up to date on what's going on around us. To some kids their cell phone may be just a peice of metal their parents make them carry around with them, but to others it's their life line and they never put it down or leave without it. In my own opinion I do think that we kids use cell phones close to 50 hours a week, but including all technology, who knows.

  11. i belive that kids are useing technology to much. Medicaly, staring at a light for more than like a minuet isnt good for you eyes.And kids today are smart enough to know that.but they will sit and stare at a cell phone screen, or a computer screen for more than 10 hours at a time.That is eventully going to effect you later down the road. Another thing that technology is doing, is nobody wants to do any physical labor for a job. And schools and doctors are complaining that every kid has ADD or ADHD. and they dont have that at all. they are just jumpy from being cooped up all day sitting at a computer or being stuck at school. all they need is to be let outside to play to burn off all that extra energy. Then they can sit there and pay attention in class and get work done. Rather than being distracted by anything remotely interesting to them

  12. Richard CrabtreeMon Feb 22, 10:21:00 AM

    I do agree with Caleb, kids are getting a little out of hand with thier physical apperance and most of them need to get off the xbox or whatever game system and go outside and play for about an hour. But kids do need thier cell phones, that is how we communicate with each other.


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