Thursday, May 6, 2010

5/7/10 - National News

A Break in the Bomb Case

Go to this related article and answer the following 6 questions in the comment post:
1.  WHO has been arrested for driving a car bomb into Times Square?
2.  WHEN was the car bomb discovered?
3.  WHERE was the suspect arrested?
4.  WHAT was found in the S.U.V.?
5.  HOW did police trace the S.U.V. to the suspect they arrested? (For further detail on this question, see this article.)

6.  WHY has control of the investigation now shifted to the international terrorism branch of the Joint Terrorism Task Force?


  1. Hi Mr. Cammrata--I saw this via Google alerts, so just wanted to let you know we're doing a whole lesson today on this topic, focusing on the amazing "53 hours" article that traces the investigation the authorities did to catch this man, and on the civics questions the whole case raises. Should publish around 1 this afternoon. Thanks for teaching with The Times!--Katherine Schulten, Editor, The Learning Network

  2. WHO: Faisal Shahzad


    WHERE:Time Square

    WHAT:A Bomb

    HOW:they found funger prints in the van and led it back to the owner.

    WHY:because he might have been connected to a terroist group

  3. 1.Faisal Shahzad
    2.May 2, 2010
    4.gassoline and fertilizer.
    5. fingerprints or skin cells.

  4. 1.WHO: Faisal Shahzad
    2.WHEN: Late Monday, May 3, 2010
    3.WHERE: JFK Airport
    4.WHAT: Gasoline, clock, fertilizer
    5.HOW: DNA, skin cells, fingerprints
    6.WHY: because they feel he’s a terrorist and wants to keep the U.S. safe.


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