9 Teenagers Are Charged After Classmate’s Suicide
Last week in Massachusetts, nine high school students between the ages of 16 and 18 were charged with various felony crimes in the suicide death of 15 year old Phoebe Prince (pictured above).
Prosecutors said that the students charged were responsible for taunting and physical threats that led the freshman to hang herself from a stairwell at her home in January.
Read this story about the charges brought against the students who were bullying Phoebe Prince. This story links to a video on which you can see photos of the students charged in the case. Also, read this story, which is about bullying what can be learned from Phoebe Prince's suicide.
After reading the stories linked in this post, respond to one or more the following question(s):
1. Do you think the students involved in bullying Phoebe Prince should be prosecuted for their actions?
2. Why do you think students bully others?
3. How can bullying be lessened or stopped? What, if anything, can teachers do?
4. Have you ever been bullied? Have you ever bullied other kids?
5. What is the climate like at our school – are students harassed and taunted often? What can you do when you see another student being bullied?
Important Note: Please post as usual, using your full name - but if you don't want me to post your comments for others to see let me know in the post and I will keep your comments private.
I believe that the 9 teens deserve everything coming to them because the bottom line is that a line is someone is dead because of their actions.
ReplyDeleteNo, I do not think that the kids that were harrassing her should not be killed.They should be pressed with murder or something along those lines. Bullying is something you can not stop, people bully other people because they are not happy about there lifes and making fun of someone makes them feel better about themselves. The teachers can not really do anything about bullying there is no possile way to stop this. Speaking for myself I did get bullied before and it was not fun. People put thoughts in your head that are not true or anything, but since people say it and make fun of you for it you start thinking what they are saying are true. If anything we are going to have to deal with bullies because there is nothing we can do to prevent it.
ReplyDeleteI do believe that they should be prosecuted for their actions because they taunted her and everything. The kids knew what they were doing were wrong and no one stuck up for her, well i think if they had enought guts to mess with her then why dont they have enought guts to take the punishment.
ReplyDeleteKids bully others because they have nothing better to do, and most times they want to feel better then themselves and make everyone else feel like crap. It could be stoped if people would stick up for others and the teachers actually reported it. Personally I have never been bullied and i have never bullied any one else. people are bullied at our school and i know some are, i tell people to stop if i see it, but i dont know what others do when they see it going on.
i think they should be prosicuted because they could have made her feel welcome and be nice to her but no they had to go and be so mean that they led her to killing herself. i think people bully other people because they dont like there own life so they are going to make another students a living h***. i dont think that bullying will every be stoped but the teacher and older people around us should help to try and put a stop to it. i have not been bullied and i am actually proud to say that i am one of the students who doesnt bully others. i dont need to put others down just to boost myself up i have friends for that. i do think that kids are bullied at this school and they are trying to put a stop to it but it is still happening.
ReplyDeleteYes i think they should be prosecuted because that is just dumb to do to someone noone should be bullied so much to where they kill themselves and the only reason kids bully other is because they have nothing else better to do with themselves. there will always be bulling noone can stop that not even teachers they dont do anything because they have to "catch them in the act" before they do anything and by time they do its to late someone either kills themselves or they kill the people who bully them.
ReplyDeleteI absolutley do believe that they should be prosecuted. I don't think that it's right at all for kids to thinks it's right to go around picking on people or making fun of them just because they are from a different country or because they dated someone they didn't like. I mean the one girl bullied another girl, not just her. I feel that bullying is completly out of control.
ReplyDeleteI think that students bully others because it makes them feel stronger. It makes them feel like they have more power over everyone else because "oh i'm the bigger one here" but they're not. I also think that maybe they got picked on as a yonger child so maybe they do.
I honestly, have bullied other. Am I proud of it? No not one bit and I do wish that I could take all of it back. Now looking back I feel very low for it and I never ever say anything rude to someone or about anyone anymore. When I see someone making fun of people I will stop them.
Our school is very high with bullying. Every where you look you will see bullying. It has definetly incresed over the years and i don't feel that it's going to decrease anytime soon. Bullying is something that people feel is a part of them. It makes them feel good. And at our school the students here are like that they are rude and heartless.
I definitely think that the students should be prosecuted because what they did was unexceptible and should be punished. They shouldn't however be accounted for the death of Phoebe because they didn't physically kill her; it was her own choice. Not only the students be prosecuted...but also the school board! Being that help was asked for numerous times and none was found; that is tremendously unexceptable.
ReplyDeleteI think that students bully to so that them themselves can fit in; and if that means lowering someone elses self esteem, then so be it. Teachers in my opinion can't really do anything about this other than warn kids of the consequenses about bullying. It's really up to the kids because a lot of the time, kids keep that to themselves anyways because they either don't want to get into trouble, or they don't want to get yelled at by kids for being a "tattle tail." I personally think, that in any school, if a student is different in some kind of way to the other students they will be harrassed.
I think the students involved in bullying Phoebe Prince should be hit with felony charges. It is insane how much teen suicides have increased over the years. Its actually really pathetic.
ReplyDeleteStudents bully others cause they have nothing better to do. They in my opinion are low lifes that have nothing better to do. Its wrong. I mean how can you just do some thing that causes some one to take their life ?
Really there is no way to stop bullying . I believe schools really dont do a thing about it. They say they promote a no tolerance bully program when really they just want to look good. The way to stop it starts with throwing felony charges at them kids, thats a start.
I have never been bullied but i do see it happening at our school a bit, but i think our school does nothing about it.
Yes they should be punished just not like an adult. Yes students bully others. Everywhere you go there is bullying. It will never be stopped, but better communication between students and teachers may reduce it. i have never been or bullied anyone. Our school is pretty cooperative. not much bullying occurs, but it does happen occasionally.
ReplyDeleteYes, the students that bullied Phoebe Prince should definitely be prosecuted for the actions and grief they caused her. I believe students bully out of jealously and hate, they want to belittle others to make themselves feel better and stronger. Teachers, students, and all administration should be more cautious and to look out more for bullying, and they should immediately stop it once they witness it; but students should tell a teacher or someone of authority so they don't get hurt. Unfortunately yes, I have been bullied before. Long story short, I was picked on and made fun of for the longest time of my life because of my high pitched voice and just a lot of other stupid reasons but I never told because I was afraid that I would get bullied more and also I didn't think anyone would believe me...so I let it go on until finally I couldn't take it anymore so I took a stand and stuck up for myself and told them how it is and how it hurt me (I basically just flipped out on them) and ever since then haven't really been bullied. No, I have not bullied anyone because I wouldn't want someone to go through the same pain and grief I had to go trough for so long. Honestly, I don't see too much bullying going on here at school but I do believe it's happening, and trust me if I witness it, you better believe I'll take a stand.