Thursday, April 22, 2010

4/23/10 - The Week in Pictures

This NASA photo shows the first images from the Solar Dynamics Observatory, a NASA spacecraft on a five-year mission to study the sun.  

This and other amazing images can be seen in this Week in Pictures feature.  Look at the images and vote for your favorite at the end of the slideshow.

In the comments discuss your favorite photo(s) of the week.


  1. the picture i think that i liked the most would have to be the one of the sun. it was really cool and i never new that the sun actually looked like that. i think the second picture that i liked was the one with the two people wit there faces coverd up and them nitting a thing for a barbie dol or something, i have never seen anything like that and thought it was pretty cool. and my third picture that i liked was the one with the bee flinging into the flower. it was really cool

  2. i like the dirty thunderstorm picture

  3. They were all so pretty! I really did adore the 'Dirty Thunderstorm' one. I've never seen anything like that before, honestly! Looks like something out of a movie.

  4. My favorite picture is number four because it shows how much an animal can help when your in emotional need. The picture is cute and has a lot of powerful meaning to it.

  5. Richard CrabtreeFri Apr 23, 10:22:00 AM

    I like the picture called Dirt Thunderstorm, it shows how dangerous volcanos are, and can cause much damage. Also it can ruine peoples lives too, by destroyin homes and also delaying many flights

  6. my fovorite picture on the site has to be the picture of the women sowing the dress for the barbie doll because of the irony that because they are blind folded almost, they are able to make beutiful works of art.

  7. My favorite picture was the "dirty thunderstorm". I find it very interesting. I would have never guessed that rock fragments, ash, and ice could collide to produce static charges. Even though it's scary and could very well be extremely dangerous, it makes a very beautiful thing to look at.

  8. I like the picture of the sun. It really cool yo see this up close and personal like this. This stuff is cool because i like seeing this tyoe of pictures and the gases forming like they do in that picture is cool

  9. My favorite pictures would have to be:
    1. Dirty Thunderstorm
    2. Taking to the Skies
    3. Back to Nature


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