Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Current Events Week 4 Technology

Do you think paying the extra money to “go green” is worth it? Would you still pay if you knew that most of your fee wasn’t going into the actual resources? If only 2% of the population are interested in this new technology is it worth it? Will it ever catch on to more of the population? Or will more people continue to pay cheaper prices even though it is slowly destroying the environment?


  1. I think that paying extra money to "go green" isn't worth it. There is so many problems in this world, in this country to worry about fixing problems that don't need to be worried about right now. If only 2% is interested than I don't think that it is that worth looking into. If a lot of the population wants to than it might be worth looking into.

  2. why would any charity or anything like a charity that collects money for a cause not give that money to that cause. so my answer is no. going green is not worth it. its a waste of everyones time and money if the money isnt going to the cause.


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