Thursday, November 5, 2009

Current Events Week 2 Local

We all know that there is a movie being filmed in your backyard, and everyone is making a big deal about it. Are you excited for them to leave? Or sad that they arent filming a lot more here in Tyrone. Have you had any personal experience with anyone you know being in the movie? If you were approached to be in the movie would you?


  1. i could careless for the movie but the only thing good about it is mr. roades is in it and hes dyes thats the only reason why i want to see it.
    by:Tyler Friday

  2. They should be in prison up to 4 years then put into a placement until they learn to respect otther property.

  3. everyone in the town thinks its great that they are filming a movie here but i don't really think that tyrone is going to be in the movie for only like 5 to 10 minutes.i dont know anyone in the movie because none of my family are good actors. if they were to come up to me and ask me if i wanted a spot in the movie i would probably say yes just so i could say that i have been in a movie.

  4. yes,no,no i would not.

  5. No im not excited for them to leave. I think its intersting having them in town. I wish they would film more here in tyrone. Who wouldnt? My mom penny miller is actually in the movie as an extra. Just a towns person looking around to see what is going on with the train. Its not a big role but better than nothing and a once in a lifetime experience. It sucks that im not old enough to be in it, because i hightly dout something like this is going to happen again in a small town like Tyrone. So if i was approached to be in the movie YES i defineityl would.

  6. i thought it was pretty cool for them shootin a movie in are town but i didnt really care. yes i know a couple people that was in the movie. my friends that was in the movie they were just standing watching and they got pulled out of the crowed. if i was approach to be in the movie i would do it then i could be a movie stare haha

  7. Who in Tyrone DOESN’T know about this? And who wouldn’t make a big deal about it? Tyrone is a small little town with hardly anything going on (or, there is stuff going on I don’t notice) and then BAM! ‘Can we film here?’. Hollywood in our very own backyard? Now that’s something to be proud of! Even if it is just because of how the tracks go through the town… A few days ago I actually went down and watched them filming…. They had spent the entire day, filming ONE shot. One! And all it was, was the train coming through, and a small explosion, people scattered… and that was it. Nothing more. And they shot it about 3 times, 3 hours in between each shot. It was crazy! But my faaaaavorite thing about it all… was the helicopters. Only 10 or 20 feet from the ground! Maybe only 30 feet from me! Less! And they came RIGHT AT THE TRAIN! It was amazing! My cousin Ashley Hamer is in it, I know she’ll be bragging about it every time I see her now… So, until I do, I’ll have to prepare!

  8. The movie was being filmed right behind my house. It was pretty cool being able to see how it all went down in the movie making process. I was prtty excited the whole time the movie people were there and was really sad when they left. I wanted to see Denzel Washinhing. I wanted to see Denzel so bad but I didn't get a chance to. Another cool thing was that my parents got paid $200 just so the movie people could put props in our backyard. My grandma is in the movie as an extra, she was a random townsperson that runs towards the train.

  9. I have different feelings about this. On one hand there is history being made in my own town! But, on the other hand, this is annoying people that live very close to this because some people have to walk to get to their houses because of the blocked off roads. Because I live in the country, I don't really have any feelings toward this. I know that one of my friends got to personally meet Denzel Washington. That is cool! I would be in the movie if I was old enough just for the experience. The whole experience would be something to remember forever.

  10. I am not excited for them to leave because tyrone hasnt experienced anything like this before. I do wish that they would film alot more here because I didnt get to see any of the filming because of school.
    I have had personal expierences with someone in the movie a person my mom works with is in it as a police officer and one of my football coaches are in it as a police officer also. If they approached me to be in the movie i would because its a once in a lifetime opportunity.


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