Thursday, November 5, 2009

Current Events Week 2 International

This is a story about pirates, and how they are becoming a lot more active in recent years. Why would they become more active? What did the pirates do in this news story and what are the possible outcomes? Why the British Government would refuse to pay the ransom, is this a good or bad idea?


  1. I think pirates are becoming more active in the recent years because they dont have much money or "treasure" or whatever they are looking for. I never really heard of Pirates striking until now. so they must not want much, but because things are low they fell or want to steal and rob people.

    the pirates in the news letter stole a wife and a husband.They could have killed them and left them in the ocean or whatever but they took care of them. They didnt harm them or anything. The wife and the husband both said they were physically find and physically healthy. so the pirates are not really doing anything to physically harm them. They didnt want to pay the pirates because they think they should not get any when they go around and steal things and kid napping people. i dont think this is a good idea because this is some things that it could lead to.

  2. Pirates are becoming more active because theres alot more valble things in the sea these days. british not paying ransom is a good idea cause there stupid for not caring guns or trying to run.


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