Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Current events Week 4 Sports


Do you agree with the coaching decision? Should he have trusted his defense, or did he make the right call? What do you think about Bruski’s comments? He said that the veteran players that are now gone had the chance to prove themselves in big play situations, how will these new players get the chance if their coach doesn’t trust them? Is this an issue that could be fixed in a short time, or is this the start of a huge break between the coach and his defensive players?


  1. I don't agree with how they choached the game. But at the same time i do. If the referre didn't see the handball until the end of the game then you obviously can not call it. Also they can't have a rematch obviously. I'm not sure on how they will get there chance if the coach doesn't trust them. You definitely need to have trust in your team to have a good season.

    I think that this is an issue that could be fixed because anything can be fixed over time. But it also could fall apart if everyone doesn't work together with everything. But in the end I think that everything will turn out okay.

  2. I do not agree with the descion he had made. I think he should have trused his defense and sent them out onto the field. These new players will get their chance but he should have sent them out that game against peyton manning to see how well they di against one of the best.
    This situatationn will be fixed it is just a mistake that can be learned from.


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