Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Current Events Week 3 Hot Topics

This article examines the idea that you can seperate a man from his ideas.  Can there be a philosopher who is also a Nazi? Remember, one of this countries founding fathers was a slave holder. (Jefferson) Do you think it is possible to separate a mans thoughts from his actions? Should a persons political views be the only factor that you look at when you judge a person?


  1. No you cannot separate a man from his ideas. I mean it is his own personal thoughts and feelings. It does not matter whether it be racist or something simple. I persons thoughts is a person’s thoughts and it’s their right. I guess there could be a philosopher who is also a Nazi. As long as the guy isn’t a psycho and his ideas are good. Why not? Yes it is possible to separate a man’s thoughts from his actions. If someone was thinking of killing someone we would through them in jail not let them do it because it was he or she’s thought. Also no I don’t think a person’s political views should be only factor that you look at when you judge a person. For example, I am a republican Mr. Cammarata is a democrat but I don’t judge him on that.

  2. It is impossible to separate a man from his thoughts, he is entitled to them. It is how he feels about what ever the topic may be. Every body is entitled to their own ideas. It makes part of their character up. There could be a philiospher who is a nazi, no one is stopping him? As long as he fits the qualifications he is good. Although you t separate a man from his ideas you can separate a man from his thoughts. If some body was thinking about bombing a school and you knew about could it, it is possible to talk them out of it. Therefor if that happens then their thoughts have changed. Last is no a persons political view should not be the only factor you look at when you judge somebody. You wouldnt really be judging them too fair because if your a democrat but you just met a republican and you judge them on political views, your not going to get along. The world would be pretty much split in half.


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