Thursday, October 1, 2009

Discussion Question Thread

Here's your chance to write a blog post for others to comment on and discuss...
Each of you must submit one discussion question on any topic or subject relevant to the book. Your post can be a question about the events of 9/11, the background on Osama bin Laden and Al Qaeda, the recommendations of the report, the book itself (such as the artwork, layout or dialog). It can ask the students to share their opinion or identify their favorite or most interesting parts of the book.

The questions should all be "open-ended" in the sense that they should not require specific or one word answers. Make it the kind of question that might spark a discussion.

I will choose a couple of the questions from the comment thread and make them into blog posts for others to respond.


  1. Why wouldn't we just act way earlier when we knew that bin laden was already planning to do some kind of attack ?

  2. where were all of the places that were attacked on 9/11, and at what time did they all happen?

  3. Why did we support them?

  4. What was the reasons for down size the air controllers: where they to expencive, too many, too many stations, not enough people to work at them all?

  5. Why did they choose the places they did, and were they aiming to hurt others?

  6. I dont understand why we didnt kill bin laden when we had so many chances.

  7. I would have to agree with Kayla. I don't see why we didn't make the security and protection in public areas way more advance when we knew what Bin Laden was trying to do. If we knew that he was planning some sort of an attack since newspapers from the past, then we should have done something about it. But most of all should have made more protection for the people and citizens in the United States.

  8. Why didn't we do much, when we knew Bin Ladin and his crew were up to something?

  9. Kevin Seiner smiley (memory of jordan reese)Thu Oct 08, 10:01:00 AM

    why did we not take the appropriate actions for stopping the terrorist attacks when we somewhat knew what was going to happen

  10. Why did they choose America and not some other country to attack

  11. What are the chances this is going to happen again, with the same problems as before?

    I myself, think the chances are preeeeetty darn high. Anyone else think this?

  12. I agree with kayla. Our country should of boosted security in planes as soon as we heard about the events bin laden was planning to do.

  13. Why was the taliban party supporting the terrorist group Al Qadea?

  14. I dont get it why they wouldnt do something when they had the chance to kill bin laden or plan to do something to stop him

  15. Richard CrabtreeTue Oct 13, 01:57:00 PM

    why wouldnt the people on the other planes try to rebel against the terrorist.

  16. how come if we sorta new that it was comeing we didnt do more to stop it


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