Thursday, October 29, 2009

Current Events Week 1 Technology,%202009&st=cse

This article is about new technology that mixes videos and books, called vooks. What exactly are vooks? Do a lot of authors like the new format? Do you think these new vooks will eventually take the place of real books? Why or why not?


  1. vooks is when kids our generation can get on phones and ipods and whatever else to get us kids into reading.It's video's that you can read. The authors are scared that it is not the right way to read and some also think it will degreat us form reading books. i dont think it will take the real place of books becasue so many still like to read books, i really dont think it makes much sense of doing "vooks" i dont think it will help much.

  2. Vooks? While the site wouldn’t open for me, I’ve heard of these monstrosities. Vooks are little gadgets that are, in a sense, books. Literature. Now, would you rather sit down next to a cozy fire with a nice hardback? Or a clunky metal gadget? Basically, it’s like reading a book on your laptop. And personally, that doesn’t appeal to me. I’m not sure if any kind of author would adore having their book being made into a vook, I wouldn’t, but then again I’m a fan of the classics. Eventually… I’m sure little digital books will take over the nice paperback books we’ve all grown up with… And when and IF it happens, I will be sad.
    I mean…really. What are they thinking?! In the text are little flash videos, videos! Videos to distract the reader from the story and overall plot! Some of the ideas are ok, I will admit, but how in the world are they going to get ALL that in, and make it affordable without going bankrupt themselves? My opinion is, and always will be, that Vooks are BAD.


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