Thursday, May 27, 2010

5/26/10 - Political Music Project


Click HERE to access the Master List of approved songs.

Click HERE to access a copy of the assignment guide.


Need to know more?  Having trouble picking a song?  Check out these links....

Click HERE for a good overview of what Political Music is.  This article contains many links and song suggestions.  If you are having trouble wrapping your head around this project, read this article.

Political Studies Association list of "Greatest Political Songs of All Time" (be warned, this organization is British, so some of the issues and artists might not be as familiar to an American audience).
PopMatters list of the 65 Greatest Protest Songs.

In 2009, the Guardian (a British newspaper) published this list of political/protest songs.  This is a BIG list - lots to choose from here.

Wikipedia's List of Great Protest Songs. list of 10 Best Social/Political R&B Songs. list of Best Classic Anti-War Songs.

RethinkingSchools List of Political Music organized by issues.

Micheal McCann's list of Soldier Music - music written from the soldier's point of view.  Check out his resources page for links to other songs about soldiers and war from the Civil War to the present.

Click HERE for a very complete list of political music from the Vietnam War era from all points of view.

If you like country music, check out this article about country music with political themes.

If you like rap and hip-hop, check out this article - and this one too.

If you like metal, check out this Top 10 list.

Friday, May 7, 2010

5/7/10 - Current Events Day


1.  Please read all of the six posts below dated 5/7/10.
2.  Post a comment to ANY 3 of the six posts.
3.  You may also use time today to complete any uncompleted missions from the redistricting game.

Have a great weekend!

5/7/10 - Technology

Ten Simple Google Search Tips

Almost everyonoe uses google for at least some of our internet searches.  However, many people are not aware of some simple ways to make using the popular search engine easier and more productive. 

Read this article and answer one or more of the following questions in the comment section:

How many of these simple tips do you already knwo about?  How many do you use?

Did you learn anything from this article that will help make your internet searches easier?

5/7/10 - National News

Gulf Oil Spill Update

This article answers many of the questions being asked about the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico.

This article describes BPs plan to stop the massive oil leak that is adding 5,000 gallons of oil a day to the Gulf.

This article describes the incredible ordeal of the crew of the oil rig immediately after the explosion that caused the rig to collapse and sink.

Answer one or more of the following questions in the comment section:

What are your thoughts on this disaster?

How will it impact the Gulf of Mexico?  The wildlife?  The people who live on the Gulf Coast? The US economy?

Does it change your views of offshore drilling or oil consuption?  Explain.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

5/7/10 - National News

A Break in the Bomb Case

Go to this related article and answer the following 6 questions in the comment post:
1.  WHO has been arrested for driving a car bomb into Times Square?
2.  WHEN was the car bomb discovered?
3.  WHERE was the suspect arrested?
4.  WHAT was found in the S.U.V.?
5.  HOW did police trace the S.U.V. to the suspect they arrested? (For further detail on this question, see this article.)

6.  WHY has control of the investigation now shifted to the international terrorism branch of the Joint Terrorism Task Force?

5/7/10 - National News

Times Square Bomb Scare (cont.)
The failed car bombing in Times Square raised security alerts in the area and reminded many people in New York and elsewhere to be vigilant about suspicious activity. 

The New York Times reported on heightened anxiety near Times Square in the wake of a manhole fire two days after – and mere blocks from the site of – an attempted car bombing.

Do you ever worry about terrorist attacks? Or do you generally feel safe? 

5/7/10 - Science

Don't Talk to the Aliens!

World famous astrophysicist Stephen Hawking said recently that he believes that alien life very likely exists – but that any contact with aliens would be “risky” because they would probably consider Earth as a conquest.

Read this article about Hawking's opinions about alien life forms and respond to the questions below in the comment section:

Do you think intelligent life exists on other planets? Do you welcome or fear an alien invasion?

5/7/10 - Redistricting Game

So what is Gerrymandering anyway?

The Redistricting Game is designed to educate, engage, and empower citizens around the issue of political redistricting. By playing the game, you will learn about redistricting fundamentals, gerrymandering, the Voting Rights Act, and potential reforms.

The game was developed by the University of Southern California (USC) Game Innovation Lab, part of the USC School of Cinematic Arts’ Interactive Media Division.

Your assignment is to complete mission 1,2,3 & 5.

In the comment section please share your opinion on the educational value of this game.  

Did it help you to better understand gerrymandering and redistricting?  Do you think I should continue to use it in Civics next year?  Why or why not?