Friday, January 29, 2010

Political Parties Internet Activity

OK, so what do the various political parties in the United States actually BELIEVE?

Let's find out where they stand on at least one issue of your choice.

Choose an issue from the following list.  Be sure to pick one that you feel is an interesting and/or important:

Economy and Taxes
Election Reform
Energy Independence
Environmental Issues
Families and Children
Foreign Policy
Government Reform
Gun Control
Health Care
Homeland Security
Iraq War
Afghanistan War
Social Security
Welfare and Poverty

Next, using the links below research each party's position on the issue of your choice: 

Major Parties*:

Demcratic Party:  main site /  issues guide / party platform

Republican Party: main site / issues guide / party platform

3rd Parties**:

Libertarian Party: main site / issues guide / platform

Green Party: main site /  platform

Use the information that you find to fill out the chart and answer the questions on the paper given to you in class (a blank copy of the chart can be found here).

* As we discussed in class, the two major parties are really more geared toward winning elections than toward a specific set of beliefs, so on SOME issues (especially the really controversial ones) it may be difficult to figure out exactly where the major parties stand.  But please, give it a try.  Finding out that a party is vague on an issue often tells you as much about that party's belief as a very specific statement.  Third parties are usually more clear on their beliefs and positions because they are trying to appeal to a narrower group of people.

** There are certainly lots of other 3rd parties that could have been included on this list, but the Greens and the Libertarians are currently the two biggest 3rd parties, so let's keep it simple and stick to those two.

Monday, January 25, 2010

1/22/10 - Local

Area Soldier Killed in Iraq

This week an area soldier from Altoona who was killed in the line of duty was laid to rest.  Read the article and/or watch this video and comment on what was done to honor this local hero.

Friday, January 22, 2010

1/22/10 - Law / Supreme Court

Major Supreme Court Ruling Changes U.S. Elections

A major Supreme Court decision will change the way campaigns for Congress and the President are run. 

Supporters of the decision have called it a victory for free speech.  Opponents say that it will allow corporations and unions to drown out the voices of average Americans. 

Read the summary article and the two opposing editorials linked in this post.  Then share your opinion on this sure to be controversial ruling.  Do you think this a good or poor decision by the Supreme Court?  Why?

1/22/10 - National

In the Army, Part 2

This is Part Two of the CNN series about Will McClain, a recent high school graduate from a small town in California, as he enlists in the U.S. Army.  This episode focuses on his first 24 hours in the Army.

1/22/10 - Sports

McGwire Admits to Steroid Use

This week Mark McGwire was the latest former major league star to admit to using steroids during his time in the Majors.

Read this article, in which former major leaguer Doug Glanville tells what it was like to play against Mark McGwire, and what he thinks about his admission of steroid use.

Does this admission change your opinion of McGwire?  Have all the admissions of steroid use in baseball changed your opinion of the sport?  Does McGwire (or any other admitted steroid user) deserve a place in the baseball Hall of Fame or should they be banned?  Share your opinion in the comment section.

1/22/10 - International News

Haiti Relief Effort

Aid in response the earthquake in Haiti has begun pouring in from around the world.  Unfortunately, as we have seen in other disasters such Hurricane Katrina, the aid cannot arrive fast enough.

Read this article.  What types of relief supplies are on the ground but not getting to the people of Haiti?  Why the delay?

1/22/10 - Technology

The Digital Life...

Researchers once thought that the use of electronic devices among children and teenagers could not go up. They were wrong:

The average young American now spends practically every waking minute — except for the time in school — using a smart phone, computer, television or other electronic device, according to a new study from the Kaiser Family Foundation...

While most of the young people in the study got good grades, 47 percent of the heaviest media users — those who consumed at least 16 hours a day — had mostly C’s or lower, compared with 23 percent of those who typically consumed media three hours a day or less. The heaviest media users were also more likely than the lightest users to report that they were bored or sad, or that they got into trouble, did not get along well with their parents and were not happy at school.

Read the rest of the article and then comment on your own media usage.  Are you above or below the average?  Do you think this trend of increased use of electronic devices is good or bad?  What are the positive and negative aspects of this trend in our society?

1/22/10 - Politics

Massachusetts Political Upset

There was a big political upset in a special Senate election in Massachusetts this week. Watch the above video and read this article about the election.

In the comment section, explain why this election is important outside of Massachusetts. What impact do you think this election will have on the health care debate, and/or other issues facing Congress?