Friday, December 4, 2009

12/04/09 - Science/National News

Developmental Psychologist Says Teenagers Are Different

Laurence Steinberg (above) is a developmental psychologist at Temple University in Philadelphia and one of the leading experts in the United States on adolescent behavior and adolescent brain biology.

In this short interview in the NY Times, Dr. Steinberg says that "when it comes to crime, [teenagers] are less responsible for their behavior than adults. And typically, in the law, we don’t punish people as much who are less responsible."

Do you agree with Dr. Stienberg's opinion that we should not punish teenagers in the same way as we punish adults for the same crime? Explain your position.


  1. In my own opinion i do not believe that teenagers should get punished the same as what adults do. I understand that what some teenagers do can be terribly wrong and horrible, but i believe that you can go a different way with the punishment. I think that some of the punishments could be to harsh for the teenagers. But then i believe that the punishments could straighten them out some.

    But, if the person is eighteen of age then they can be charged or punished with the adult crime. I believe that it just all depends on what they do and how bad it is. If the person is to younge I do not believe you should be to harsh on them but try and get your point out to them.

  2. I do agree with him because kids home life results with their everyday life. Most of the time it is the parents fault for what happened if their kids commit crimes. If kids parents teach them respect then it would change a whole lot.

  3. i think we shouldn't punish teenagers in the same way as adults because adults are more responsible for there actions than teenagers.

  4. I think that we should punish teenagers as adults if the crime is serious enough. I mean if a teenager decides to go kill a whole bunch of people for the heck of it then yeah they deserve to lose their childhood. It was there stupid decisions. Kids are taught right and wrong at like age three and by teenage years they should know that killing people is wrong. Things like murder, and arson should be treated like adults. All of the rest are like minor things and should be treated with punishment but maybe not as harsh as an adult.

    The only exception i can possibly see to get away with murder with a less harsh punishment but still a punishment is if the person is mentally ill and has alot of mental problems. Because if the persons brain or what ever is messed up then they could really never comprehend the differences from right and wrong.

  5. I think teenagers shouldnt get the death sentence or life without parole, because... well we're still just a bunch of stupid kids! Would you punish a 3 year old to death for stealing a cookie? No! They dont know any better, and this article is proven evidence that Teenagers minds are still forming. Still learning... So Until they're adults they shouldnt be punished as one! If they can't vote, then they shouldnt be able to get life.

    They should still be punished, but not in the same way. A less harsh matter maybe.

  6. Yes i agree. I agree because teenagers are not givin the same rights as an adult. If teens were given the same rights then it would be a differnt story.


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