Friday, December 4, 2009

12/04/09 - National

This CNN story follows Will McClain, a recent high school graduate from a small town in California, as he enlists in the U.S. Army. I thought Will's story was interesting because it is similar to the story of many recent graduates of our own school.

Do you know anyone who has recently entered the military? What has their experience been like?

Have you ever considered serving in the military yourself? Has the war in Iraq and Afghanistan influenced your decision one way or another?


  1. my sister's fiance recently enlisted a year ago. his experience hasnt been that great so far. within two weeks of his arrival in afghanistan his team was ambushed. i have thought about enlisting but do to a recent accident, i doubt i will pass the medical requirements to enlist.

  2. Yes my sister's fience is serving in Iraq. His experience so far has not been to bad, other than his squad has been ambushed once. I have thought many times of enlisting but never made a decision yet. Te war in Iraq is pushing me a little closer to no right now.


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