Friday, December 4, 2009

12/04/09 - National / International

The War in Afghanistan
A New Strategy

This week President Obama announced his new strategy for fighting the war in Afghanistan.  Since then there has been no shortage of political commentary on the subject.  I have chosen three articles, all with very different points of view for you to consider.

The first article by Bob Herbert (A Tragic Mistake) argues that President Obama's plan is a mistake. The next article by Charles Krauthammer(Uncertain Trumpet) is also critical of the President's plan, but for a completely different reason. The last article (Surge, Then Leave) by David Ignatius is in favor of the President's strategy.

Look at all three articles and answer the questions on your current events worksheet, then post your own opinion of the President's plan in the comments section.

12/04/09 - Sports

Does Tiger Woods Have a Right to Privacy?

In his statement, he said:

No matter how intense curiosity about public figures can be, there is an important and deep principle at stake which is the right to some simple, human measure of privacy. I realize there are some who don’t share my view on that. But for me, the virtue of privacy is one that must be protected in matters that are intimate and within one’s own family. Personal sins should not require press releases and problems within a family shouldn’t have to mean public confessions.

But in the age of the Internet, when the media is not just traditional mainstream press or even the tabloids, but bloggers and twitterers, is a claim of privacy even possible? And is there a difference between a public figure and a well-known figure when it comes to privacy?

12/04/09 - National

This CNN story follows Will McClain, a recent high school graduate from a small town in California, as he enlists in the U.S. Army. I thought Will's story was interesting because it is similar to the story of many recent graduates of our own school.

Do you know anyone who has recently entered the military? What has their experience been like?

Have you ever considered serving in the military yourself? Has the war in Iraq and Afghanistan influenced your decision one way or another?

12/04/09 - Cartoon of the Week

What issue(s) and events does this cartoon deal with? What is the cartoon’s message? Does the cartoon clearly convey the desired message? Why or why not?

12/04/09 - Local News

New Unemployment Figures Released for Blair County

The Altoona Mirror has reported that the unemployment rate decreased in Blair county in October but increased in three neighboring counties.

What effect has the economic recession had on communities and families in our school district? How is your family and/or friends and neighbors coping with the recession?

12/04/09 - National/Teen Issues

Gauging Your Distraction:
An Online Texting & Driving Game
Recent studies show that drivers overestimate their ability to multitask behind the wheel. Play this online game to measure how your reaction time is affected by external distractions.
Do you think there should be a law in Pennsylvania banning texting and/or talking on a cell phone while driving? Why or why not?

12/04/09 - Science/National News

Developmental Psychologist Says Teenagers Are Different

Laurence Steinberg (above) is a developmental psychologist at Temple University in Philadelphia and one of the leading experts in the United States on adolescent behavior and adolescent brain biology.

In this short interview in the NY Times, Dr. Steinberg says that "when it comes to crime, [teenagers] are less responsible for their behavior than adults. And typically, in the law, we don’t punish people as much who are less responsible."

Do you agree with Dr. Stienberg's opinion that we should not punish teenagers in the same way as we punish adults for the same crime? Explain your position.